Most FAQ based on recent year inquiries

Children who will turn 4 years and 9 months or 6 years old on August 24th of the current school year can enroll in Kindergarten or first grade, respectively. For new students, please submit date of birth verification document (birth certificate, passport, or other acceptable government paper) on the first day of school.All other age applicants will be assigned to different grades based on their level of Chinese language skills. We have some teenage students attended 1-3 grades.
One of the most important decision factors for placing student in the appropriate grade level is the student’s Chinese skill level in listening, speaking, reading and writing. For younger students who have never been exposed in Chinese language learning, the most likely grade will be the first grade. For high school age students who have never been exposed to Chinese language learning, the student will be placed in the first level of our Integrated Chinese grade series, i.e., IC-1. We offer Chinese comprehension tests to determine the class placement for new students other than the above-stated students. We also administer “placement tests” for current students who believe their class placement is not comparable to their skills level. Our ultimate goal of class placement is for students to feel comfortable with the class materials and teaching, yet also challenged by new lessons.
All students (grades K- 12) who are interested in learning about the Chinese language and culture are welcome to enroll in our classes. We also have adult conversation classes for parents or general public adults. We will place the student in the right class based on their Chinese language level of proficiency through an entry test. CCCS is open to the general public, and is not bias based on race, age, gender, or country of origin.
This is a school for teaching Chinese to students who have little or no Chinese language skills. We teach Chinese using Chinese or English, or a combination, depending on the skill level of students in each class.
Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the school started to offer online classes. At this time, the school will offer both in-persion and online classes. The online classes offer on Friday evenings and Saturday afternoon. Please refer to Admission
All eligible refunds are pro-rated according to the refund schedule and are subject to a non-refundable fee.

All about our school

Contra Costa Chinese School (“CCCS”) is a non- profit, non-political, non-commercial, and non-religious volunteer-operated education organization. Our goal is to provide high quality Chinese language education and culture. The school is operated by the Board of Directors, School Administration, and a group of parents who tirelessly volunteer their time every week to keep the school operating.
CCCS was established in Walnut Creek, California in 1976 by a small number of Chinese families in the area who wanted to provide learning opportunities about the Chinese language and heritage for the next generation. Their vision has been carried through and expanded into the entire community. Yes, it's been well over 45 years. We are proud of CCCS’ accomplishments in providing excellent Chinese language learning programs and community services to all.
CCCS strives to provide the lowest affordable tuitions to all students who are interested in or in need of learning Chinese language and Chinese culture. We have well-established, strong curriculum, teaching faculty, resources, and excellent administrative services and support. We also offer interesting and informational programs and activities for parents while children are in classes throughout the year.
The missions are: 1) to provide classroom training in Chinese language, especially in the Mandarin dialect, to children in Central Contra Costa County and its surrounding areas; and 2) to promote Chinese cultural and heritage activities in the community.
CCCS is located at the Diablo Valley College in the East Bay (321 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill, CA 94598). Our offices and classes are all clustered in the Liberal Arts Building. Please click here for a map to DVC.
The school provides the periodical activities for parents. In addition, CCCS also routinely sponsors entertaining activities year-round as follows: Chinese New Year Spring Festival, Carnival, Chinese New Year Potluck, etc.
We are constantly looking for qualified Chinese Teachers. Please Ask the Principal